Affiliate Disclosure

Affiliate Disclosure for

At, we believe in full transparency and want to provide our readers with the utmost trust and confidence in the information we share. Therefore, we want to disclose that some of the links on our website are affiliate links.

What are affiliate links?

Affiliate links are special URLs that, when clicked on, may earn us a small commission or referral fee if you make a purchase from the linked website. These commissions come at no additional cost to you. The main purpose of these links is to support the operations of and help us continue providing valuable content and resources to our readers.

How do affiliate links work?

When you click on an affiliate link on and proceed to make a purchase from the linked website, we may receive a commission or compensation for the referral. It is important to note that these affiliate partnerships do not influence our content or product recommendations. Our editorial integrity and commitment to our readers’ best interests remain our top priority.

Why do we use affiliate links?

Using affiliate links allows us to cover the costs of website maintenance, hosting, content creation, and other necessary expenses. By earning commissions from affiliate programs, we can continue to deliver high-quality content and relevant information without compromising on the user experience.

Our commitment to you:

We take our responsibility to our readers seriously and are committed to providing honest and unbiased information. Our team thoroughly researches and evaluates products and services before recommending them. We only promote products that we genuinely believe can add value to our readers’ lives.

Please remember:

While we strive to recommend products that align with the needs and preferences of our audience, individual experiences may vary. It is essential to conduct your research and make informed decisions before purchasing any product or service based on the information provided on

Thank you for supporting

We genuinely appreciate your trust and support. By clicking on our affiliate links and making purchases through them, you help us continue our mission of empowering and providing valuable resources to mothers and caregivers everywhere.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate disclosure, please feel free to reach out to us via our contact page.

Last updated: 04-08-2023